

Una de PULPo en primavers sound 2011

molt bestia el 1:30... inici apoteosic, nomes per aixo ja va valer la pena anar-hi... No vaig parar de saltar com un loco en els 10 primers minuts de concert.


The Tree of Life, Palme d'Or Cannes 2011

The Tree of Life , Palme d'Or a Cannes 2011. Una pelicula universal que encara trigara una mica a arribar aquí. Em declaro fan absolut del director i us animo a veure-la quan arribi.

This film is not for everyone, and I will admit I am agnostic about the final sequence, which suggests a closure and a redemption nothing else in the film has prepared us for. But this is visionary cinema on an unashamedly huge scale: cinema that's thinking big. Malick makes an awful lot of other film-makers look timid and negligible by comparison.

Terrence Malick ha filmado su particular '2001: Una Odisea del Espacio', con la diferencia de que si Stanley Kubrick miraba hacia el futuro para establecer una conexión metafísica entre el cosmos y la vida, Malick lo hace mirando hacia el pasado, retratando el origen del mundo.


como pedro por mi casa - la central del raval

Des del proper dilluns 23 fins el dissabte fan a la central del raval un festival de llibres il.lustrats, como pedro por mi casa, en el que participa el xavi, el meu amic arquitecte de tsa que molts de vosaltres ja coneixeu.

Proposo quedar un dia d'aquesta setmana per la tarda després de la feina per anar a fer-hi una ullada i després pendre unes birres. Què us sembla?

Quin dia preferiu? Dijous, per exemple?


3 temazos que ultimament escolto molt


Darlin', do you remember me
Back when I used to be your darlin'
Darlin' you know it¹s so hard to tell
Why you said farewell, to me darlin'

You said you wanted to be free
But this loneliness is just killing me
My darlin'
My darlin'

Darlin' hey what you doing now
Me I¹m just hanging round
Mmm darlin'
Darlin' I¹m just here in the rain
With all my old old pains
Oh my darlin'

You said you wanted to be free
But this loneliness is just killing me
Oh my darlin'
Oh my darlin'
My darlin'

TINDERSTICKS: tiny tears

You've been lying in bed for a week now
Wondering how long it'll take
You haven't spoken or looked at her in all that time
It's the easiest line you could break

She's been going about her business as usual
Always with that melancholy smile
But you were too busy looking into your affairs
To see those tiny tears in her eyes

Tiny tears make up an ocean
Tiny tears make up a sea
Let them pour out, pour out all over
Don't let them pour all over me

How can you hurt someone so much, you're supposed to care for
Someone you said you'd always be there for
But when that water breaks you know you're gonna cry, cry
When those tears start rolling you'll be back

Tiny tears make up an ocean
Tiny tears make up a sea
Let them pour out, pour out all over
Don't let them pour all over me

You've been thinking about the time, you've been dreading it
But now it seems that moment has arrived
She's at the edge of the bed, she gets in
But it's hard to turn the opposite way tonight

Tiny tears make up an ocean
Tiny tears make up a sea
Let them pour out, pour out all over
Don't let them pour all over me
Don't let them pour all over me

WILCO: you and I
(la lletra ja surt al video...)


Fallece Pedro San Martín, bajista de La Buena Vida

Acabo de leer que ayer por la noche murió Pedro San Martín, bajista del grupo donostiarra La Buena Vida, cuando volvía a una casa rural después de un concierto de Nacho Vegas y Refree.

Para mí, fueron un descubrimiento en mi época de vacaciones en el País Vasco.

La vida es un suspiro, chicos...



Podria ser un video J.A.N.tube... Jo vaig riure molt! Potser si porteu unes birres de mes encara riureu mes.